SpaceArena Wiki

Defense modules are split into 3 types: Shield, Armor, and System. Some modules have alternative versions that are either purchasable in Black Market, or unlocked after beating a sector.



Armor, a defense module, friendly weapons behind armor can shoot over it. The larger the armor block, the more health per cell.

Reflect (50-60%) seems to be the amount of laser fire that is mitigated. This makes all laser fire do less damage to armor.

Armour (2-6) seems to also do a percentage of damage reduction, not sure how much. (I guess that it's 20%-60%, but note Ballistic Armor is armor rating 11.)

It is not a flat damage reduction, since the basic 4 damage gun can damage armor blocks with armor rating 4-6.

Missiles appear the most effective against armor with high individual damage, no reflect and blast radius which is why point defense offers a 60% protection

Name Level Cost
Small Steel Armor 0 Free
Small Solar Armor 7 25000Untitled Diagram-0
Medium Steel Armor 9 22500Untitled Diagram-0
Medium Solar Armor 13 55000Untitled Diagram-0
Medium Solar Armor Mk2 15 520‍Imageedit 8 6342299252 / 260000‍Untitled Diagram-0
Plasma Armor 17 100000Untitled Diagram-0
Small Reactive Armor 18 95000Untitled Diagram-0
Large Steel Armor 20 75000Untitled Diagram-0
Large Solar Armor 22 125000Untitled Diagram-0
Medium Reactive Armor 26 200,000Untitled Diagram-0
Large Reactive Armor 38 ?Untitled Diagram-0
Ballistic Armor 47 1400000Untitled Diagram-0

Name Size Power Use Health Armor Mass Reflect
Small Steel Armor 1x1 125 3 75 55%
Small Solar Armor 1x1 75 2 50 50%
Medium Steel Armor 2x2 550 4 300 55%
Medium Solar Armor 2x2 330 3 200 50%
Medium Solar Armor Mk2 2x2 490 3 200 50%
Plasma Armor 1x2 15 200 3 180 50%
Small Reactive Armor 1x1 5 175 4 100 60%
Large Steel Armor 3x3 1300 5 675 55%
Large Solar Armor 3x3 750 4 450 50%
Medium Reactive Armor 2x2 25 750 5 400 60%
Large Reactive Armor 3x3 60 1850 6 900 60%
Ballistic Armor 3x2 800 11 500 1%



Shield, creates a bubble of protective layer around itself, blocking projectiles. The shield lasts a fixed amount of damage before disappearing. Shields (except Bunker Shields) regenerate their shields over time but the regenerated amount is also limited. Laser weapons completely bypass shields. All shield modules are 0 armor, 0% reflect.

If you hit two (or more) shields at the same time, only one of the shields will receive damage. In this situation, the first shield that satisfies the conditions in the game code will be damaged.

Name Level Cost
Combat Shield 3 4000Untitled Diagram-0
Combat Shield Mk2 30 Sector 5
Bunker Shield 14 65,000Untitled Diagram-0
Bunker Shield Mk2 46 Sector 7
Battle Shield 16 100,000Untitled Diagram-0
War Shield 24 175,000Untitled Diagram-0
War Shield Mk2 52 5,000,000Untitled Diagram-0

Name Size Power Use Health Armor Mass Reflect
Combat Shield 1x1 60 15 0 10 0%
Combat Shield Mk2 1x1 70 15 0 10 0%
Bunker Shield 1x1 80 20 0 15 0%
Bunker Shield Mk2 1x1 20 20 0 15 0%
Battle Shield 1x2 135 30 0 25 0%
War Shield 2x2 280 60 0 50 0%
War Shield Mk2 2x2 350 60 0 50 0%

Name Max Regeneration Regen Speed Shield Radius Shield Strength
Combat Shield 100 20/s 6.1Slots 100
Combat Shield Mk2 120 20/s 6.1Slots 125
Bunker Shield 0 0/s 3.6Slots 150
Bunker Shield Mk2 0 0/s 3.6Slots 90
Battle Shield 225 50/s 9.1Slots 225
War Shield 500 100/s 13.1Slots 500
War Shield Mk2 50 100/s 13.1Slots 1000



System, consists of unique modules with special purposes.

Name Level Cost
Junk Launcher 10 30000Untitled Diagram-0
Point Defense Turret 11 70000Untitled Diagram-0
Point Defense Turret Mk2 14 420Imageedit 8 6342299252/ 210000Untitled Diagram-0
Point Defense Turret Mk3 16 520Imageedit 8 6342299252/ 260000Untitled Diagram-0

Name Size Power Use Health Armmor Mass Reflect
Junk Launcher 2x2 35 175 1 120 0%
Point Defense Turret 2x2 45 200 2 200 20%
Point Defense Turret Mk2 2x2 35 200 2 200 20%
Point Defense Turret Mk3 2x2 45 200 2 200 20%

Name Range, Fire Cone, Fire Rate, Junk Amount, Junk Amount, Junk Flight Time Mine Disruption Chance Rocket Disruption Chance Torpedo Disruption Chance
Junk Launcher 70Slots, 360º, 0.333/s, 4, 10s
Point Defense Turret 25% 35% 70%
Point Defense Turret Mk2 35% 20% 70%
Point Defense Turret Mk3 10% 20% 90%

