SpaceArena Wiki

When High technology and aesthetics meet the result is often a fragile, unworthy contraption. The novelty approach of the Hawk was to compartmentalize the ship into two distinct sections, each able to operate independently. The end result is a diverse craft of impressive capabilities, further enhanced by the Ironwing it houses in its bay. - Ingame Descritpion


  • Category: Cruiser
  • Unlock level: 24
  • Cell: 61
  • Speed: 5
  • Turning: 0.5
  • Cost: 949,000 credits / 420 celestium
  • Support ships: 1 Ironwing
  • Repair time: 22min


No. Name Cost Cell
1 Extended Bow 138Imageedit 8 6342299252 +4
2 Reinforced Flanks 106Imageedit 8 6342299252 +2
3 Extended Stem 106Imageedit 8 6342299252 +4
4 Improved Engines 138Imageedit 8 6342299252 +2
Main Sum 488Imageedit 8 6342299252 +6
1 Fortified Bow 134Imageedit 8 6342299252 +3
2 Extended Wings 101Imageedit 8 6342299252 +2
3 Improved Engines 134Imageedit 8 6342299252 +1
Support Sum 369Imageedit 8 6342299252 +6
Sum 857Imageedit 8 6342299252 +12

Unique Ship Bonus

Total Module Power Generation

Basic: +3%

+/lv: +1% 

Upgradeable Bonus

Cost/lv:1Bp & 500Untitled Diagram-0

Parameter Base +/? Max

Ballistic Health

Shield Health

Shield Radius

Power Armor

Power Health

Missile Power Usage

Laser Mass

Power Explode Damage

Engine Power Usage

Navigation | Ships

Small Fighter Heavy Fighter Lightning Wing Type K4-8U70

Corvette Viper Dart Raven Ironwing Sparrow

Valkyrie Scythe Rapier Arrow Miran Hammerhead Orkaan

Morningstar Starbridge Age Eagle Broadsword Javelin Wanderer Hawk PSS EL-K

Warrior Charger Therion Wraith Cerberos Mymidon Destroyer Vega Phantom

Baron Crusader Captain Duke Sleipnir Eidolon

Thane ARbiter Mjollnir Revenant Vindicator RadiantX

Ritari Khonarl Oblivion Ark USS Centurion
