SpaceArena Wiki

Laser, completely bypass shields, however they do the least damage against armor and generally requires a lot of power to operate. Lasers do continuous damage the longer they're fired. Do not have reflect.

Laser mechanics

  • The listed damage of a laser is the damage done to a target with 0 armour and - reflect if the laser is allowed to fire for the full duration.
  • Lasers deal damage periodically (unknown period).
  • The damage dealt each period is adjusted by the targeted module's armour and reflect.
  • Once the laser stops firing (either by the enemy ship leaving the firing arc or the laser reaching its full duration) the reload time begins.
    • This means that in order to deal maximum DPS, the laser needs to fire for the full duration.

Here are the main laser types and how to identify them during the battle.

Rapid-Fire: pulsing blue beams connect the module to the target. Beam appears more intermittent than that of fusion weapons

  • Small Laser
  • Pulse Laser

Beam: orange beam connects the module to the target until target moves outside of range or firing cycle completes

  • Laser Beam
  • Laser Turret
  • Arcfusion Array

Fusion: constant beam connects module to the target. Continues firing if target moves out of range or firing arc

  • Fusion Ray
  • Fusion Turret
  • Melee Fusion Turret

Heavy Laser: thick pink beam connects the module to the target

  • Doomsday Laser
Maximum Laser DPS = ((Laser Damage(100-Reflect)%)-Armour)xLaser Duration÷(Laser Duration + 1/Fire Rate)

Name Level Cost
Small Laser 3 12000Untitled Diagram-0
Small Laser BM1 22 Sector 4
Laser Beam 5 35000Untitled Diagram-0
Laser Beam BM1 22 Sector 1
Laser Beam BM2 20 660Imageedit 8 6342299252/ 330000Untitled Diagram-0
Laser Turret 12 110000Untitled Diagram-0
Fusion Ray 19 170000Untitled Diagram-0
Pulse Laser 25 230000Untitled Diagram-0
Pulse Laser BM1 32 1540Imageedit 8 6342299252/ 770000Untitled Diagram-0
Fusion Turret 36 380000Untitled Diagram-0
Pulse Laser BM2 40 2400Imageedit 8 6342299252/ 1200000Untitled Diagram-0
Arcfusion Array 31 320000Untitled Diagram-0
Melee Fusion Turret 56 1200000Untitled Diagram-0
Doomsday Laser 57 3000000Untitled Diagram-0

Name Size Power Use Health Armor Mass Reflect Power Generate
Small Laser 1x1 20 13 0 15 0%
Small Laser BM1 1x1 0 13 0 15 0% 25
Laser Beam 1x2 40 35 0 30 0%
Laser Beam BM1 1x2 30 35 0 30 0%
Laser Beam BM2 1x2 40 23 0 30 0%
Laser Turret 2x2 70 75 0 70 0%
Fusion Ray 1x3 65 60 0 60 0%
Pulse Laser 2x3 125 130 0 100 0%
Pulse Laser BM1 2x3 100 130 0 100 0%
Fusion Turret 3x3 200 210 0 240 0%
Pulse Laser BM2 2x3 150 130 4 100 0%
Arcfusion Array 2x4 180 200 0 200 0%
Melee Fusion Turret 4x4 300 290 0 280 0%
Doomsday Laser 4x9 1500 760 2 2000 0%

Name Damage Range Fire Cone Fire Rate Laser Duration DPS/square
Small Laser 20 35 Slots 70º 2.5/s 0.15s 1.96
Small Laser BM1 28 35 Slots 70º 0.925/s 0.15s 1.30
Laser Beam 25 60 Slots 60º 0.5/s 1.5s 1.35
Laser Beam BM1 25 55 Slots 60º 0.5/s 1.5s 1.35
Laser Beam BM2 28 85 Slots 60º 0.5/s 1.5s 1.62
Laser Turret 40 55 Slots 360º 0.5/s 1.5s 1.35
Fusion Ray 45 60 Slots 70º 0.333/s 3s 1.75
Pulse Laser 60 50 Slots 120º 5/s 0.15s 3.26
Pulse Laser BM1 90 50 Slots 120º 5/s 0.117s 4.19
Fusion Turret 90 86 Slots 360º 0.333/s 3s 1.33
Pulse Laser BM2 60 50 Slots 120º 5/s 0.35s 6.48
Arcfusion Array 100 100 Slots 60º 0.4/s 1.5s 1.62
Melee Fusion Turret 180 35 Slots 360º 0.5/s 3s 33.75
Doomsday Laser 4000 120 Slots 20º 0.029/s 1.7s
