SpaceArena Wiki

Utility modules are split into 3 types: Engine, Power, and Support.

Some modules have alternative versions like Mk2 and Mk3 that are either purchasable in Black Market, or unlocked after beating a sector.



Engine, in Utility category, a module type for moving a ship to add mobility.

Name Level Cost
Small Ion Drive 0 Free
Warp Drive 5 10000Untitled Diagram-0
Vectored Thruster 7 30,000Untitled Diagram-0
Vectored Thruster Mk2 7 280Imageedit 8 6342299252/140000Untitled Diagram-0
Afterburner 9 20000Untitled Diagram-0
Large Ion Drive 10 45,000Untitled Diagram-0
Grand Ion Drive 26 175000Untitled Diagram-0
Grand Ion Drive Mk2 26 2560Imageedit 8 6342299252/1280000Untitled Diagram-0

Name Size Power Use Health Armor Mass Reflect
Small Ion Drive 1x1 5 60 2 10 25
Warp Drive 1x2 45 75 1 30 25
Vectored Thruster 2x1 30 90 1 20 25
Vectored Thruster Mk2 2x1 40 90 1 20 25
Afterburner 1x2 30 100 1 30 25
Large Ion Drive 2x2 25 280 3 35 25
Grand Ion Drive 2x3 40 500 4 80 25
Grand Ion Drive Mk2 2x3 60 400 4 80 25

Name Thrust Power Turn Power Warp Force Duration,

Thrust Boost, Turning Boost

Small Ion Drive 900 1200
Warp Drive 12
Vectored Thruster 7000
Vectored Thruster Mk2 8200
Afterburner 2s , 3 , 6.5
Large Ion Drive 6000 6500
Grand Ion Drive 12000 12000
Grand Ion Drive Mk2 12000 18000



Power, in Utility category, or to be called reactor, power modules supply power to other modules. Ships with power deficit will periodically shut down. Power modules explode upon destruction, potentially damaging other nearby modules.

Name Level Cost
Small Reactor 0 Free
Medium Reactor 8 36000Untitled Diagram-0
Medium Armored Reactor 13 55000Untitled Diagram-0
Medium Armored Reactor Mk2 34 520Untitled Diagram-0/260000Imageedit 8 6342299252
Large Reactor 18 95000 Untitled Diagram-0
Large Armored Reactor 23 140000Untitled Diagram-0
Grand Reactor 43 1150000Untitled Diagram-0

Name Size Health Armor Mass Reflect
Small Reactor 1x1 20 0 10 0%
Medium Reactor 2x2 80 1 50 0%
Medium Armored Reactor 2x2 160 2 150 35%
Medium Armored Reactor Mk2 2x2 160 2 150 50%
Large Reactor 3x3 200 1 150 0%
Large Armored Reactor 3x3 400 3 350 35%
Grand Reactor 4x4 335 1 330 0%

Name Power Generation Explosion Damage Explosion Radius
Small Reactor 50 10 1Slot
Medium Reactor 250 50 2Slots
Medium Armored Reactor 160 30 2Slots
Medium Armored Reactor Mk2 200 0 2Slots
Large Reactor 650 120 3Slots
Large Armored Reactor 400 60 3Slots
Grand Reactor 1300 350 5Slots



Support, in utility category, only Repair Bay in this group.

Name Level Cost
Repair Bay 15 70000Untitled Diagram-0

Name Size Power Use Health Armor Mass Reflect
Repair Bay 3x2 40 220 0 150 0%

Name Regen Speed Maximum Regenerate Max Modules
Repair Bay 9/s 2500 3
